Allow, see you again, This article will discuss about car tuning hamilton MY SUMMER CAR GUIDE 2: ELECTRIC BOOGALOO see more

Guide poster

This manual includes everything you miss to see on My Summer Car.

One object you'll notice on My Summer Car, you're current to miss to drain a few berooskis otherwise there's a probability there may exist a keyboard current via the wall.


You might desire to run to the store inside the van to stock up on top of food also drinks earlier than you begin building the car. The van can exist establish at Uncle Kesseli's House also you'll miss to get the keys from him when he's in. If you can't get the van, utilize the boat to get to town. It is suggest that you grab the Jonnez as well. You might too desire some way on cooling yourself down, as you drive get very, highly burning also disappointed from building also playing a lot.

Before you leave, load up your van accompanied by canisters. A diesel canister (black) is inside the barn where the tractor is at. A spare gasoline can (green) is inside the backwards left corner on the garage. When you're at the outlet fill up the van's tank also both on the canisters. From the store, produce certain you buy everything from the left wall. The alternator belt, multiple canisters on each fluids. They drive exist critical appropriate to building also starting the machine appropriate to the first time, thus don't exist scared to spend almost 3,000 mk.

Below you drive discover a recommended purchases inventory appropriate to your first journey to Teimo's Shop:
Teimo's Shop location

Teimo's Shop point inside Peräjärvi.

Peräjärvi map
Click on this spot appropriate to a labelled chart on Peräjärvi
Item Price Quantity

Alternator belt 295 mk 1
Brake/clutch fluid 140 mk

(35 mk/item)
Motor oil 298 mk

(149 mk/item)
Coolant 390 mk

(195 mk/item)
New battery

(highly recommended)

495 mk 1
Two caress fuel


99 mk 1
Spark cork box 99 mk 1
Beer case 149 mk 1

(most successful nourishment item)

131.4 mk

(10.95 mk/item)
Gasoline 86 mk

(4.75 mk/L)
18 L
Diesel 170 mk

(4.25 mk/L)
~40 L[1]
Total ~2,353 mk
  1. Depends on supported by way also forceful skills.
Note: If discount at the store; save earlier than carrying out or through the shopping, as the shopping bag drive unlocked upon reloading the game.

Starting the van

To begin also go (by car) the van, get inside by jumping into the seat (you should automatically bend down when entering the minicab on a scrap of of} vehicle). Start the van by left clicking on top of the ignition (left border on steering wheel), at that time remain appropriate to the glow cork sign to turn off earlier than clicking also property along end of} to eccentric the engine. The same policy applies to other diesel engines inside the game. Headlights are to the left on the radio alongside the gearshift. Disengage the handbrake by property correct click, work it once more if the parking check sign is still on.

Make certain you turn off H-shifter at the chief tariff if you're using a gamepad or keyboard also mouse. By default; X is clutch, G to shift up, B to shift down.

Finding the store

To discover the store, skull correct along end of} the filth road from your house also stay winning correct turns till you discover the store, the shortcuts via the lake are not at all longer viable, however an alternative way that is longer, however sometimes faster is to turn left also at that time turn correct twice, also at that time grab the second intersection, allowing you to go (by car) more on top of the asphalt road.

Eating also drinking

To drain beer also swallow food, look at the beer/food also depress the action catch (default F). You can too drain from the kitchen or bathroom strike by turn the strike on, at that time crouching inside start on it (default C) or bending above of} inside the aqua brook (default Q).

Making money

To produce money, there is a barn to the correct along end of} the road from your house. Inside is a chopping block also an axe which you can utilize to make money. Click the block stack to leave a block on supported by the chopping block. Click the axe, strike action catch (default F), at that time correct click to swing.

There is too a tractor inside the barn. You can utilize this to tow your car by forceful the tractor alongside it, at that time left clicking a tow hitch. Left click once more to disconnect. You can too utilize the forklift to select up your car using the start hydraulics lever from the correct border on drivers seat. Don't subordinate it too miles or it drive problem up the tractor.

Saving the game

To save your game, move to the nearest toilet also take "Save & Quit"

If you harm the body on your car, you can repair it by carrying out or through the following:

  • Navigate to C:\Users\Username\AppData\LocalLow\Amistech\My Summer Car.
  • Delete meshsave.txt from the folder.

Your car bodywork drive at the moment exist repaired accompanied by your work intact. This drive not replace broken windows or parts that own near unscrewed as a result on damage, also food you own eaten prior to reloading drive still exist gone.

Make meshsave.txt a read only case if you desire harm to exist repaired upon reloading.

Note: Delete the case manually or remove the read-only property earlier than starting a modern game or it drive result inside an infinite loading problem as the game can't reset the case also continue the loading process!

Building the Satsuma

Before building

There are some things that could save a lot on hassle during also at the end of the car assembly:

  • Most damageable parts are inside crucial state at the begin on the game. These parts can exist serviced at the repair shop, however the smarter, though a little more high-priced option is to buy modern ones from the repair shop shelf. Replacing everything drive exist highly expensive, however all parts drive eventually get replaced anyway. The easiest way to produce a swift earnings is to grab the wrecked cars to Fleetari, however there are too other ways to produce money.
  • Ordering the fuel mixture gauge also ratchet set from the parts catalog drive turn out highly effective appropriate to the initial assembly on the car, as expertly as appropriate to tuning it after on. In total these items drive cost 908 mk, also drive grab some while to arrive. This drive too crave two trips to Teimo's Shop; first to grab the envelope to the post box, also after to reward appropriate to also select up the packages when the shop is open.
    Note: The casing should exist charmed to the outlet at the same while as the initial grocery trip, as the advance drive one take place once occasion|one time} the packages own arrived at the shop.

Getting started

Below is a complete inventory on car parts accompanied by their bolt sizes also quantities required appropriate to the car to run, appropriate to example: 6x9mm is 6 bolts/nuts accompanied by the 9mm spanner or ratchet.

Press F to unlocked the spanner or ratchet set also at that time depress 2 to enter implement mode, depress 1 to move backwards to usual mode, select a spanner or ratchet accompanied by LMB while inside implement mode. Spanners also ratchets cannot exist placed backwards contents the sets, the usual fist way drive still function normally regardless on whether a implement has been picked up or not.


    • The distributor necessity exist adjusted rightly inside order to maximise power output also minimise share wear. The general idea is to own the distributor as foremost as possible, more details can exist establish here.
  • Alternator - 1x7mm, 1x10mm, screwdriver
    • Put the alternator belt on supported by earlier than you close the alternator. Tighten the two bolts to secure the alternator, at that time adjust the belt strain by scrolling the mouse disc while looking at the alternator to alteration the alternator position. Rotate it till the pulley is affecting the belt, at that time close the screw.
    • Once the machine is installed also running, near backwards also rightly adjust the alternator position accompanied by the machine sprinting by loosening that screw again. Loosen the belt strain (scroll along end of} on supported by alternator) till the belt starts to squeal, at that time close it just enough it stops. If your alternator belt is too close-fitting it drive eventually snap. You can buy a modern alternator belt at the store if yours is shiny along end of} or has snapped.
  • Alternator belt
  • Engine plate
  • Starter - 2x7mm
  • Carburator - 4x8mm
  • Headers - 5x8mm
  • Flywheel - 6x7mm
  • Clutch disc to clutch cover plate
  • Clutch pressure plate to clutch disc
  • Clutch assembly - 6x6mm
  • Oilpan - 8x7mm, 1x13mm
  • Inspection cover - 4x7mm (shared accompanied by gearbox)
    • You can remove this examination cover after appropriate to tuning
    • This share is not required also the bolts can exist tightened without it being installed
  • Gearbox - 6x7mm (4 on which are shared accompanied by above), 1x10mm (lower centre on machine block, correct under headers)
  • Drive gear - 7x6mm
  • Motor hoist to block - 2x10mm
    • Lower the hoist, also align it accompanied by the lift notches on top of the engine. The lift is inside the correct position appropriate to tightening once occasion|one time} a dim clink can exist heard. Tighten the bolts also the machine drive exist married to the hoist.
  • Adjust valves - screwdriver
  • Rocker cover - 6x7mm
  • Fuel pump - 2x7mm
  • Airfilter - 2x6mm
  • Oil filter - by fist (scroll)


You may desire to jack the body up off the ground using the floor jack. Or you can shove the car contents on the lock-up accompanied by the blue van (this a little damages the car-frame)

It is recommended to select up the suspensions from the start if you can, as it tends to tip off as it gets weighed along end of} by installing modern components. Otherwise just exist mindful as you go.

Alternatively you could jack the car up also construct the suspension also shove the car into your garage, giving you admission to the underside easily.

  • Sub frame - 4x10mm
  • Steering rack - 4x9mm
  • Steering column - 2x8mm
  • Wishbones (2) - 2x10mm each
  • Spindles (2) - 1x12mm each
  • Steering rods (2) - 1x12mm each (shared accompanied by struts, install them earlier than tightening)
  • Disc brakes (2) - 1x14mm each (shared accompanied by halfshafts, install them earlier than tightening)
  • Halfshafts (2) - 3x9mm each (Shared accompanied by gearbox, however it doesn't matter if you close them earlier than you install the engine), 1x14mm each (shared accompanied by disc brakes)
  • Struts (2) - 4x9mm each, 3x10mm each, 1x12mm each (shared accompanied by steering rods)
  • Steering rod alteration - 1x14mm each
    • The alteration has 120 clicks total journey stop-to-stop. Turn both on them away all the way to the stop also at that time take them backwards the other way accompanied by exactly 60 clicks. This is dead straight-and-center.
  • Trail arms (2) - 2x12mm each
  • Coil springs (2)
  • Shock absorbers (2) - 1x12mm each, 2x6mm each
  • Drum brakes (2) - 1x14mm each
  • Wheels (4) - 4x13mm each
  • Mount the engine
    • Move the motor hoist to the machine bay, subordinate it carefully also when it is inside the correct position 3 bolts should appear at the engine mounts appropriate to you to close accompanied by an 11mm spanner/ratchet.
    • Warning: Be careful when handling the engine lift when the machine is married to it, sudden movements may dispatch the machine flying on the other or miles border of the garage, requiring it to exist re-attached.

Finishing up

Fill up the car's fluids by unscrewing the caps on top of the machine components, at that time property the containers upside along end of} above of} them till a leafy bar appears (the fluid containers don't own caps). The clutch cylinder uses brake fluid. The gas can, coolant, brake fluid also motor oil aren't infinite. Tighten the caps once more when you are finished. You can too pee inside your radiator if you want.

Note: Buy at smallest 3 bottles on check fluid as the two check reservoirs crave a full litre each, also the clutch reservoir 500ml. The reminder drive exist effective appropriate to topping up your fluids as they are gradually consumed above of} time. If you're not highly familiar accompanied by the Satsuma it's best to get 4 or stable 5 bottles as the check lines drive steadily leak fluid unless you close every single nut.

Starting the car appropriate to the first time

To successfully begin your car, produce certain you own filled all oil, coolant, also fluid reservoirs also own installed the alternator belt. To begin a car (especially a Datsun 100A or other cars accompanied by a suffocate lever), pull the suffocate all the way up, situated under the radio on top of the dashboard meters, property the left mouse button. After that, begin the machine also rev it some times without revving it too much, if you don't desire the machine to overheat. Holding the correct mouse catch on supported by the choke, it pulls itself all the way out. Make certain to pull it off, because, when forceful the car appropriate to the first time, the machine drive overheat while driving.


Now that the car runs perfectly without a scrap of of} problems during/after assembly whatsoever, the next pace appropriate to it is to get it inspected. Before this, however; there are still a few things left to do:

  • Go to the tractor at the woodshed also select up the warning triangle, it can exist detached from the backwards on the tractor by urgent RMB. The triangle necessity exist somewhere contents the car during the inspection.
  • Make some money, 1,375 mk to exist exact if everything goes well, also grab the Satsuma's wheels to Fleetari Repair Shop. The best way to transport the wheels is probably by using the van. Once there; leave them on supported by Fleetari's desk also take the "Standard Road Tyres" option from the tyre inventory appropriate to 1,050 mk (with the 40% discount) also go (by car) backwards home. Fleetari drive eventually call the player's phone to inform them that the wheels are ready to exist charmed back.
    Note: The "Gommer Gobra" tyres drive too go by or past the inspection, however are a little more expensive.
  • Make certain that there are no aftermarket parts installed. There may exist some exceptions as to what is also is not accepted, however inside a scrap of of} case; aftermarket parts should one exist thought on after the inspection.
  • Finally produce certain that all parts are inside good condition. If not at all replacements were bought from the repair shop prior to assembly, replacing them at the moment can exist a tedious task.

Now that the car is ready, go (by car) to the inspection shop on top of a scrap of of} weekday (Monday-Friday) amidst 08:00 also 16:00. The examination shop is situated northeast on Teimo's Shop also behind the wastewater treatment plant.

Drive the car on top of the pick up contents the garage, turn it off, leave on supported by the handbrake, also stride to the cheerful man at the desk. Left click on supported by him once occasion|one time} the paying move on 325 mk appears on top of the screen also remain appropriate to the man to work his work. Once he is finished; he drive stride backwards to the desk, congratulate the sportsman or sportswoman on supported by their successful inspection, also fist away two register plates; they are married to the start also backwards on the car without a scrap of of} bolts.

Congratulations! The car is at the moment officially driveable. If, though, appropriate to some cause the car failed the inspection; it can exist re-inspected as soon as the problems own been fixed, stable on top of the same day. To statistic away what could own possibly gone wrong; click on supported by the examination report on top of the desk and, by the off probability that Finnish looks similar to gibberish, click on top of the Union Jack at the top-right corner on the form to view it inside English.

Note: The "additional notes" section won't get translated, however it is the same regardless on whether the car passed or not, also translates to something along the lines of: "This is a highly pretty car".


Tuning your valve-train

My Summer Car How To- Adjusting valves on top of a turned off engine

My Summer Car How To- Adjusting valves on top of a turned off engine

Stock valvetrain

Visualised valve-train adjustments.

Remove the rocker cover to admission the valve alteration screws. With the machine sprinting also warmed up to principle temperature, adjust each single accompanied by a screwdriver; mouse paper up tightens, mouse paper along end of} loosens just similar to the nuts also bolts. If the valves are too detached or too tight, they drive produce a 'ticking' noise.

The car performs best when the valves are as detached as possible without ticking. Be careful not to move too miles inside either way or the machine can stall. If this does happen, immediately alter whatever you just did earlier than you not remember which valve you were adjusting. Only at that time should you move backwards also try to continue tuning the motor.

The best way is to undo each valve (mouse paper down) till it starts ticking, at that time carefully re-tighten till the exact surroundings it stops again. Some valves are before now inside a too detached or too close-fitting position, however drive not begin ticking till you racket accompanied by them. If a valve immediately starts ticking when you undo it, stay loosening appropriate to an extra 5-7 disc scrolls (or on a half turn on supported by the screw head). If it stops ticking once more the valve was inside the 'too tight' position also you should go ahead as usual (keep loosening till you strike the 'too loose' ticks also re-tighten) if it's still ticking at the end of 5-7 scrolls you're inside 'too loose' district also should begin tightening till the ticking stops.

Some large charts can exist found here appropriate to the results on tuning your valve-train.

Tuning your carburator

Stock carburetor

Visualised carburator adjustments.

It doesn't matter if it's stock or not. Take the screwdriver from the spanner or ratchet set, discover the idle screw, also at that time "unscrew" (mouse paper down) 10-20 times. Get contents the car, pull the suffocate all the way away (by property left mouse catch on top of it), turn on top of the ignition also begin the motor. Hold your RPM at about 3,000-5,000 by using the choke pedal. Once the temperature calculate has reached the halfway mark it is at sprinting temperature; release the suffocate by property along end of} correct mouse catch on top of it.

Carburator tuning

Get away also move backwards to your carburator. You can manually pull the choke linkage to rev the machine also air it while it is running. Rev the machine a two times also reward thought to the exhaust. Dark cigarette method you are sprinting too rich, popping also cracking combined accompanied by the machine temperature steadily rising method you are sprinting miles too lean.

For now, being your first while tuning also this is still a stock car, we'll move appropriate to the richer end on the principle mixture range. You can easily tell when you're inside this range as the tire out cigarette turns a greyish white colour. Rich-en your mixture till the car blows dark tire out cigarette also at that time tip it away a bit, or if it is before now dark, just stay leaning the blend till the tire out colour changes. At this air you should own plenty on low-end power to avoid stalling. If you still own issues you can hold the clutch also rev the machine gently earlier than releasing the clutch appropriate to a slice more power; rev too hard though also the car drive happily spin its wheels. This may or may not exist a harmful thing. If the RPM 'bogs' while winning off give the clutch a swift strike to let the RPM select backwards up briefly earlier than the clutch re-engages. Again, this may result inside a burnout however is preferable to stalling.

By tuning your carburator, you can enrich to enhance your low RPM torque (less stalling, faster starts) or tip away to extend your tall RPM power appropriate to better acceleration at top-end appropriate to things similar to the rally event, where you drive constantly exist along end of} shifting appropriate to corners also broadly habitually at tall RPM. Be certain to re-apply your airfilter on top of the stock carburator if you own remote it appropriate to tuning.

A message appropriate to the stock carburator, if you own the fuel mixture gauge installed, a good solid use is 14 at optimum temperature. This gives the car enough power inside 1st to avoid stalling as often, however still reaches tall summit speed. Once you own installed performance parts also gotten used to winning off without stalling, you can tip the mixture to 14.7-15.1; this drive give plenty on tall end power also allow you to strike the rev limiter inside summit gear, as expertly as increase highly quickly, provided you shift delayed to stay the RPM as tall as possible. The downside is low end torque drive exist highly lacking; your car drive pretty greatly habitually stall from a standstill without some feathering on the clutch, also you drive 'bog' also increase highly gradually under 4k RPM, along end of} shift to get your revs backwards into the power band.

Common issues / FAQ

A few common problems humankind own also how to troubleshoot. The primary source on problems is forgetting/missing bolts on top of components, however this manual should aid you look inside the correct direction:

  • Car used begin & runs away on battery: Make certain your alternator is rightly fitted. Ignition requires battery power to ignite; if your alternator belt or alternator is not linked rightly you drive not own a charged battery. Check those, produce certain your alternator is pushed away from the machine by loosening the screw inside the slotted section on the alternator bracket, also paper the mouse disc to revolve it to the appropriate position. See the alternator access beneath machine assembly appropriate to more details on top of proper belt tension.
  • Engine makes a horrible squealing noise: You didn't strain the alternator belt properly. See the alternator access beneath machine assembly appropriate to proper belt tension. If tightening the belt doesn't help, produce certain that both alternator also water drive out pulley spin. If either on them doesn't spin, you drive own to get a replacement share from Fleetari.
  • Engine ticks while running: Your valves are badly adjusted. See the valve-train guide beneath tuning. Your camshaft might too exist misaligned.
  • Clutch is stuck open: This could signify you haven't filled the clutch lord cylinder, produce certain it's brimming accompanied by Dot4 brake fluid also seek again. If it's leaking; check every kernel on supported by the clutch lining, as expertly as the cylinder itself. Make certain your handbrake is off!
  • Keeps popping away on mechanism while driving/is highly difficult to get into gear: You own missed single on the bolts on top of the gear linkage, or single has near loose.
  • Brakes don't work: Make certain every kernel on top of the brake lining is agreed up; note the assembly section to produce certain you got them all. You may own to bleed the brakes, unscrew the check stroke nuts at every wheel by 2 notches also move shove the check pedal appropriate to a slice (try not to run away on check fluid though). Be certain to close each kernel backwards up also seek the brakes again.
  • Part X used be the correct shape for share Y: Certain parts are highly demanding on top of how you apply them, including the angle on attachment. In some cases, such as the exhaust pipe, discount also reloading the game fixes this issue.
Missing alternator belt

Missing alternator belt - snapped also needs to exist replaced.

  • Radiator starts steaming while driving: You've either left the suffocate pulled or your carburator air is too tip appropriate to the radiator to stay up. You should stop immediately as as the machine overheats, it leans away the petrol mixture also makes the trouble worse; ignoring it drive inevitably result inside broken pistons. If your car has been sprinting fine also this suddenly happens, you may own snapped your alternator belt (alternator is too tight) also your water pump is not at all longer being driven.
  • Stalling inside 1st gear: This is completely normal! Even if you utilize auto-clutch, when changing to 1st mechanism you are dumping the clutch inside low RPM, this drive stall a lot on cars inside real life. Wait till you car has warmed up at smallest to the first mark on supported by the temperature gauge, give it some gas inside neutral also rapidly leave it inside 1st to put off. You can lessen this result by perfecting your carburator tuning (a richer air has more low RPM power, thus shorter stalling), upgrading the car's power, or letting it warm up to higher temperatures earlier than surroundings off.
  • Engine backfiring or "exploding": Tune that carburator! See the tuning section over appropriate to that. It can source permanent harm to your pistons if you don't change the tune, which method a journey to the mechanic. If you are certain your carbs are tuned correctly also it is still backfiring, you could exist leaning away from overheating, or your valve air is off.
  • Radiator's fan not working: This is normal. The fans one spin up when the car is too hot, however, if they still work not spin at tall temps it's most likely as your alternator belt served its life also is broke. Buy a modern single at the store. If your alternator belt is inside working condition, produce certain that you own rightly wired the fan to the battery.
  • Car pulls to the border when driving: Your wheels are poorly aligned or you own bent your struts. The alteration screw (14mm) is amidst the steering rod also strut. Take both wheels to the end on their working journey (120 clicks maximum) also at that time align them by turn them 60 clicks inside the correct direction. The airfield is a large spot to check changes, if but you are too lazy, you can journey to the repair shop also choose the disc alliance service. If your struts are bent, than you can get the straitened at the Repair shop
  • Dead battery: Use the power unit charger to ask for it, or buy a modern single from the store. If the needle on supported by the charger is gradually moving to the left when a power unit is attached, it is still salvageable, totally dead batteries cannot exist recovered.
  • Inspection failed expected to petrol line: Tighten the 12mm bolt at fuel tank.
  • Inspection failed expected to tyres: You tried to go by or past the examination accompanied by the stock, rally, drag, or overall too shiny tyres. Only the grade or Gommer Gobra street tyres drive go by or past the inspection.

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That's all explanation about MY SUMMER CAR GUIDE 2: ELECTRIC BOOGALOO hopefully infothishelpful regards

writing this was posted onkategori , date11-09-2019

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